More delicious foods we have the pleasure of enjoying. For the history of all the foods we get to eat, you can click on the label "So What CAN You Eat." :)
Assorted pancakes we baked in the oven (raspberry, blackberry, blueberry, and fig)
Roasted Spicy Chickpeas
Green bean casserole we made for Thanksgiving
Stuffing for Thanksgiving
Scalloped potatoes for Thanksgiving
Mashed sweet potatoes
The Thanksgiving feast, all put together!
Chickpea burger and kale salad at Green Cuisine
Kale salad and quinoa burrito at Green Cuisine
Desserts from Green Cuisine
Asian rice medley
Smoked sweet potato burgers...amazing!
And when you run out of buns, no worries, introducing the "Burger Bowl" (served over rice)
Non-dairy ice cream (cherry and chocolate brownie with vanilla) from Spiral Diner
Chocolate banana ice cream, frozen in muffin pans for nice portion sizes
My birthday dessert of choice: cookie cake with chocolate & vanilla ice cream, chocolate fudge, and peanuts...all non-dairy and oil-free!
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